- 1Navigate to the CNN homepage.
- 2Click "iReport" at the top of the screen.
- 3Click "Upload."
- 4Type a screen name, email address and password in the boxes under the "Sign Up" heading if you do not have a CNN account. Click "Sign Up" when finished. Otherwise, type your email address and password in the boxes under the heading marked "Member Log In" and click "Log In."
- 5Click "Browse" and click on your photo from its location on your computer's hard drive.
- 6Type a title for your photo in the "Title" box.
- 7Type a description of the photo and where it was taken in the "Description" box.
- 8Choose a category for your photo by clicking on the "Assignment" box.
- 9Type tags that can be used to search for your iReport in the "Tags" box, if you so desire. A tag is a keyword that will categorize the article for Internet searches.
- 10Type the city, state and postal code of the area in which the photo was taken in the boxes under "Story Location and Date." Click on the country in which the photo was taken and the date on which the photo was taken under the same section.
- 11Check the box next to the option labeled "Yes, I have read and agree to terms of use."
- 12Click on the "Submit" button to upload your photo to CNN.
- 1
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