How To Make Speakers

Music is one of the primary forms of human expression. If you are an avid music listener, chances are, you have heard every single human emotion expressed through song. Some people even see music as an audio book of scriptures, since there are always a handful of songs that share wise words to any given problem. The problem is that not everyone gets to enjoy the exciting world of music. If everyone only had a set of speakers, every individual would have his or her own audio experience to tell. Good thing you can make your own speakers if you tap into your inner Mac Guyver.
Speakers are devices that turn electronic signals into sounds. Hook up a pair of speakers to any audio device and you will instantly hear the sounds being played. Most of the time, speakers are bundled with devices such as radios, TV sets, and CD players. Speakers from a certain device can actually work with other devices. You just have to connect the wires and presto, instant audio device.
You always have the option to purchase good speakers from a music store, but be prepared to shell out a lot of cash. Most speakers are made from high quality materials as they are assembled by machines used by large industries. If you do not have a lot of funds at hand, you may not afford a good set of speakers. Fortunately, you have a cheaper alternative if you walk down the do-it-yourself road and make your own speakers.
The trick to create your own speakers is to not build the whole device from scratch. A speaker has a lot of parts and most of those parts are pretty expensive, not to mention hard to find. Instead, you can simply recycle the speakers of your TV or your computer and transfer it to your speaker-less device.
Materials Used:
  • screwdriver set
  • pliers
  • speaker wire
  • electrical tape
Check Your Equipment
Most of the equipment needed for this project can be found inside a standard toolbox. If you find yourself lacking a few items, you can go to a hardware store and get everything that you need. Make sure that you get high quality wire because a substandard one might give you marginal results.
Just a Few Reminders
Once you have all the equipment, get your screwdriver set and select a piece of old equipment that has good speakers. Better listen closely to the sound quality of your old gadgets before you make a selection. You would not want to disassemble multiple pieces of old equipment just because you did not make the right initial decision. One more thing: make sure that all of the devices involved in this DIY project are unplugged.
Disengage Your Old Speakers
Let’s say you picked the speakers of your old TV for this project. Look closely at the screws that hold the casing of your TV and select the appropriate screwdriver from your set. Once done, loosen the screws and remove the TV’s casing. Locate the speaker then turn your attention to the wires connected to the speaker. Carefully, cut the wires with your pliers. Be very cautious since you are working with very sensitive pieces of equipment. A miscalculated nudge can easily damage some of the TV’s components, including the speakers. Once you have freed the speakers, you can proceed to your speaker-less device.
Reconnect Your Speakers
To make things easier, let’s say that your speaker-less device is a radio component. Check the wires that stick out behind your radio and locate the red wire. Get a hold of the red wire and the different colored wire beside it. Once you have both wires, check the back of your speakers for a couple of wires (red wire and the wire beside it). Get your pliers and strip off a small portion of the wire coats of all four wires. With the copper threads exposed, align both red wires and twist their copper threads together. Do the same for the different colored wires. Once done, cover the exposed copper threads with the wire coats that you cut awhile ago. Use masking tape to hold the wire coats back in place.
Run Some Tests
Now, you can plug in your radio component to check if the speakers work. If they do not work, you can reconnect the red wires and the different wires together. When you are done, you have a good set of speakers without really spending much.

* Your own speakers can be a source of pride, joy, and great music, but before using them, you must know how to give them ample power supply, for them to be fully functional. Here’s how to wire speakers, and remember: proceed with this task with caution.

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